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‘Make Nigeria Gay Again’ animated video explains Nigeria’s anti-gay law

A digital media group in Nigeria has released an animated video that explains the country’s Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition Law and the damage it does.

The almost 40-minute video, titled Make Nigeria Gay Again (Happy Pride, Nigeria), was produced by DedHed Media, a Lagos-based digital media group.

The video is done with much humor, even as it highlights the many human implications of the country’s anti-gay law, citing several cases of human rights violations against LGBT persons who have suffered violent attacks as a result of their real or perceived sexual orientation.

The overall approach of the video is a bit weird because of its dark-humor, but it does a good job of examining every inch of the law, bringing clarity to serious issues that affect. the Nigerian LGBT community.

Overall, the video is brilliantly done, and serves its purpose of exposing Nigeria’s homophobia whilst educating people about the true nature of the SameSex Marriage Prohibition Act [SSMPA], which was signed into law in 2014 by former Nigerian president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan.

DedHed Media is offering to train females and non-binary persons who are interested in Digital Art such as comics, animation and llustration.Visit their website at http://dedhedmedia.com to learn more.

Click HERE to watch the video on YouTube.